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Member Since 25 Jun 2008
Offline Last Active Jul 02 2018 10:57 AM

stripping 320kw lancer gsr

21 December 2015 - 03:13 AM

as title states guys, stripping my car as some dickhead ran up my ass and sent me flying into a pole ..

full forged and built 1.8 litre, cp pistons, spool rods, arp head studs, acl race bearings, gt35/40, jym berry race clutch, lt10s microtech ecu, 320kw 26psi.. $3000


evo2 gearbox, crunches in 3rd $500


evo 2 lsd diff $500


evo 2 transfer case good conditon $150


evo7 interior, front seats and rear $1000


and enything else you want from the car just shoot me a pm, cheers

wtb 4g93t aftermarket camshafts

30 September 2015 - 06:10 AM

as title states guys i need 4g93t camshafts 264 or 274 dont matter, and valve springs to suit , i need them ASAP like now lol thanks , location melbourne  

wtb cc lancer gsr front window regs electric

28 September 2015 - 01:16 AM

as title states guys, in need of front right and front left window regs asap , show me what you got cheers 

For sale proton satria Gti

24 September 2015 - 03:20 AM

Guys up off sale is a proton satria Gti , custom blue couler , recaro interia, 4g93 comes with turbo kit and intercooler kit but not bolted on , engine needs right hand side engine mount to be bolted in , lover engine mount brace and practically bolt the turbo kit on and fire it up, selling due to lost interest pm me for more info
And pictures , won't let me upload them for some reason cheers cars located in Melbourne

4g93 not injector pulse

15 August 2015 - 02:11 AM

Guys this car is doing my head , lancer Gsr 4g93t, no injector pulse , Microtech ecu , it has spark to injector pulse

Things that I've done

Sent ecu back to Microtech came back fine

Changed cam angle sensor
Changed ignitor and coil pack
Changed resister that sits on the firewall
Done a continuity test on the whole loom to ecu
Rewired cam angle sensor

Take note, if I buzz the injectors through the Microtech to test they show up fine

What else can it be ?