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Member Since 26 Jun 2008
Offline Last Active Jul 16 2008 09:40 AM

In Topic: Hi all, Evo 6.5 owner

30 June 2008 - 09:33 AM

Just wondering you have used I take it its Orange exhaust temp silicon Ummm everywhere? :shock:

hahaha! yep. I'll cut it all off with a razor blade when I'm finished.

I think what Liberoz is saying that is there a bloody exhaust gasket in between the orange goo?

The sealant is totally unnecessary if you have a gasket!

By the way welcome :D

Love TME's

oh, I'm with ya now.

I know its not necessary, but i dont trust the gaskets alone, so a $10 tube of good quality sealent is good reasurance I'll have no leaks. i have trimmed it all up now, it looks alot better :wink:

In Topic: Hi all, Evo 6.5 owner

30 June 2008 - 09:30 AM

I recieved my Greddy intercooler kit today! I'm very happy with it's build quality so far, the alloy welds are perfect and it looks like a well designed intercooler. It bolted up perfectly, I did not have to trim the front bar at all :biggrin:

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In Topic: AYC Remove?

28 June 2008 - 10:13 PM

yeah i have also seen that motec sell a controler so you can turn the car into like RWD 40/60 50/50 60/40 and fwd or somthing like that it is from the evo 9 but they state it can be wired to evo 6s

It will not work in an evo 6. The AYC controls power from left to right. The Motec controller that your talking about adjusts the ACD which controls power from front to rear. Evo 6's do not have ACD, we run an open centre diff.

This topic has info on prices for a cusco LSD. http://4gtuner.com/f...opic.php?t=7850

In Topic: Hi all, Evo 6.5 owner

28 June 2008 - 01:49 AM

Just wondering you have used I take it its Orange exhaust temp silicon Ummm everywhere? :shock:

hahaha! yep. I'll cut it all off with a razor blade when I'm finished.

In Topic: Hi all, Evo 6.5 owner

27 June 2008 - 11:09 PM

i bought the manifold off an evo oz member who had it custom made by a workshop.