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Member Since 01 Jul 2008
Offline Last Active Sep 24 2009 02:33 AM

In Topic: Rally Australia

07 September 2009 - 04:07 AM

Couldn't help myself and had to flick through some of the images, here is a teaser for you guys to show the level of stuff we got ;-) Will have most of the images on our website midweek, will post selected shots here:

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In Topic: Rally Australia

07 September 2009 - 12:14 AM

Wow, what an event!

I am absolutely totally stuffed, left up here thursday afternoon and have been on the go since, pretty much midnight bedtime and 4:30am rises for the last few days. But god damn was it ever worth it.

We had the most unbelievable weekend, starting out with SS6 Byrrill creek, we were going to be set up there for the day on a friends property, unfortunately as people have heard the hippies found it fit to roll bolders onto the stage in a point where the cars were travelling around 150kmh plus, as well as pelting 0 and 00 with rocks on the way through. They then also laid down on the road themselves at the end of the stage in an effort to stop the rally.

Simple really, the stage was canned altogehter, the hippies thought they won, but it was really only an inconveniance for the drivers, organisers and the like, it was a damn shame for us as Byrrill was our 'home' stage and we had put a lot of preparation into it. Either way, we moved onto plan B and walked into another stage in the afternoon and got some great shots there. The rally went ahead, the protesters kept being pests but in the end we just laughed about those idiots.

Either way I am still buzzing from this event and am so keen to get my photos rated and uploaded, I believe we came away with some very good stuff and I am stoked that all our effort into researching alternative access and good shooting points more than paid off.

Will get some photos happening in the afternoon.

-GVR40, some cool shots, how mad was that rollover, we were shooting in the field and properties opposite the spectator point, I was surprised to hear the crowd go off their head and though old mate just misjudged the corner, how badly he misjudged it I only found out when Nigel (my shooting partner) showed me the rollover, he was about 400-500m away, I was about a km off near the crest that you can see the cars come over first from the speccy point.

In Topic: Rally Australia

02 September 2009 - 11:55 PM

Haha I hear ya! We are going to be leaving just before the WRC cars on Friday morning, we are keen to get some shots of them en route to Kyogle. We thought about trying to shoot them on Cob o' Corn, but schedule is too tight to get back to our shooting position for the day which is along Byrill Creek Road. We'll be there all friday, then back into Murwillumbah for Friday night. Then we get to do that all over saturday and sunday. Heaven.

In Topic: Rally Australia

02 September 2009 - 11:47 AM

Indeed, we were saying on our recce drive on Saturday and Sunday that the scenery looks a lot like NZ in places, beautiful countryside.

Here are some pics from our drive, these are the actual stages that the WRC will run on, the below shots are mostly from the Kyogle area.

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Even though there has been a lot of press coverage that the people don't want this rally, plenty of people welcome it with open arms...
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Our recce vehicle, will be swapped to a TME for the weekend so we can get around the place more in the spirit of things haha.
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Service park at Kingscliff was starting to come alive on sunday, would be pretty much in full swing now, I am heading down from brisbane tomorrow early arv, will be there in time for sunset shots, should be cool, then 3 days of Marathon photoshooting. Should be insane. Will post up images next week from the actual event.
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In Topic: Rally Australia

02 September 2009 - 02:07 AM

Haha noice. Yeah it was the choice of the Prius, or an E85 munching stroked Evo (that's what the plates are usually on) we thought with all the greenies out to sabotage the events, if we come up behind a bongo van blocking the road they'll see we're in a hybrid and think we're on a way to a protest. Soon as we fly (lol) past with the KERS going they'll see the WRC plates and realise they've been had hahaha. Of course the WRC plates will also give us street cred with the rally folk that might otherwise suspect us for being greenies lol. Win Win.