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Member Since 01 Jul 2008
Offline Last Active Aug 24 2015 01:48 PM

In Topic: Adelaide, S.A - CC GSR FOR SALE AND SPARES

24 August 2015 - 01:49 PM

Sold....sad day 😔

In Topic: Idle Speed Control problems

05 July 2015 - 01:37 PM

Nmko what do you mean gaps in the seals?

I had a look at the old icv which tested as faulty.
And also the working replacement that tested fine.

Side by side they are about 2-3mm difference in length so I have swapped the plunger half and seems to have dropped the idle but I'm yet to drive it.

So perhaps one is from a 4cyl magna and the other is a 6cyl with a shorter plunger for a higher idle.

In Topic: Idle Speed Control problems

05 July 2015 - 12:39 AM

Sorry to butt in on thread but I have similar issues.

I have replaced the tps and set it up correctly and re checked it.
Also replaced my icv and checked it using the guidelines liked here and it reads the correct ohms across, also checked this a number of times.

What I have is high idle 1800-1500 for the first 10 mins of driving then once at running temp will drop to 900-1000rpm.

I have the bias idle screw all the way in,tried re setting the ecu by disconnecting the battery overnight.

Pulled off the throttle body cleaned it and also the water galleries.checked ever vacuum and intercooler pipes.

The icv was from a v6 magna would the 4cyl icv be any different?
I'm running E3 ecu + injectors + 069 afm + magna TB.

Would changing to the 4cyl icv and perhaps 055 afm help?

Help as I'm lost to what it could be!