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Member Since 01 Jul 2008
Offline Last Active Aug 24 2015 01:48 PM

#303987 New to mods chip or ecu

Posted by EVOLVEDGSR on 09 July 2014 - 08:21 PM

I would stick with the e3 ecu, 510 injectors, afm. Also use the larger magna throttle body.

You will need to, hone the manifold to suit the larger tdo5 16g outlet, hone oil/water lines think I used a combo of eco/gsr or get braided, change the angle of your down pipe (or buy split dump an I can modify it for you if you wait lol). (may need oil relocation)clean and flow test injectors, also hone the plenum to git the larger throttle body. Also evo intake pipes to match tb and afm.

Then dyno tune.

Now you could spend thousands doing other ecu mods blah blah blah but.....

Doing these mods will squeeze the max power you would want to push the stock 4g93t anyway around 160-170 atw. And unless u are "investing" a lot of money this is far your best bang for dollar :)