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Member Since 05 Jul 2008
Offline Last Active Dec 14 2022 03:16 AM

#340617 Evo1-3 foglights?

Posted by Willard on 06 March 2018 - 09:53 PM

Thanks for the comprehensive information. So the PIAA big lights were a dealer accessory, like the 16" OZ rims? And the PIAA smaller lights were a factory option?


Well, the big PIAA foggies were definitely a dealer option. For example, they aren't in CAPS/ASA (unless you have the accessories part of ASA - I don't - Mitsu may do).


The smaller foggies were made by Cibie and were likely to be part of an options pack when you ordered the car. These are the ones you can see on CAPS/ASA.


But doubtless you could still order them at the dealer later on if you so desired - they came in a box with all the wiring loom, buttons, etc (all plug and play)...at least that's how the bigger PIAA lights came packaged. 




As far as 16" OZ rims go, I didn't ever see them listed on either the accessories catalogue, or the Ralliart Sports/Competition Parts catalogue. But of course, I can't read Japanese either, so what would I know!!!!!


I might dig the old catalogues up this weekend and find a Japanese person to translate  :)

#340609 Evo1-3 foglights?

Posted by Willard on 05 March 2018 - 11:47 AM

The big fog lamps that were dealer options are PIAA and can still be purchased, even with the white plastic covers and replacement lenses (PIAA 510 Series I think). However, the factory option had a special bracket riveted to the back of the light cover to suit the OEM support bracket.


I have the part number for this dealer option fog light 'kit', but I would have to dig it up.


Pic of large fog lights on an Evo III:



Pic of smaller Cibie foglights:
