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Member Since 21 Jul 2008
Offline Last Active Oct 09 2008 11:51 PM

Exhaust upgrade for my EVO VIII???

18 September 2008 - 05:44 AM

Hey peoplez,

I'm looking at upgrading my stock exhaust for my evo VIII. Any recommendations?

I was looking at HKS and Greddy, but they are pretty expensive.

Turbo Timers?

07 August 2008 - 01:07 AM

Hey guys,

I have a turbo timer in my car, which counts etc when my car is on, but as soon as i turn the car off, the timer turns off as well.

Does anyone know why it is doing this?

Hey peoplez

06 August 2008 - 05:37 AM


I recently joined as well and thought I might say hi to everyone.

I've put up some pics, let me know what you guys think!


My Evo 8

06 August 2008 - 03:52 AM

Hey guys and girls,

I have finally had the chance to take some pics of my car.


Totally stock at the moment, but mods to come!!!!

Only had the car since April 2008.

Let me know what you think?