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Fair enough, I actually only need all the stuff off the front of the engine (alternator, powersteer pump, aircon compressor, oil pump, crank sprockets, pulleys, one balance shaft, timing gear, timing covers and all the brackets and bolts that hold them on). So I really just need an engine to pillage all that stuff off and the rest would be going in the bin. I'm doing a DOHC head conversion to RWD in my Starion, so I'm using my Starion block/crank/pistons and I already have a reco'ed head.
Ok no problems well I will see if I can track down those parts for you and find out how much postage will be.
Does the "Motor - needs a rebuild $300" have the alternator, powersteer pump and aircon compressor attached?
If so would you consider shipping to NSW 2619?
Id probably prefer not to send the motor as id rather have the person inspect it so they know what they are getting. The head was removed when I received it and the sump has been changed over. There may be some bits missing so I would hate to post it and then have someone unhappy with what they have received.
Do you have a TD05 turbo?
I believe I have 2 14b turbos still laying around. 1 of them was on my car for a bit and had minimal shaft play the other im not too sure about.
Benefits of works engine pulley?
Since you have an egr delete, dont have the FIAC/ISC plate?
Not too sure might be lighter would have to check against another one
I think I have a throttle body which had a home made FIAC plate laying around somewhere.
Hey shaun you have any j spec fender lights ?
Yeah mate I believe I still have 2 sets available.
Be keen on coming down and checking out the grilles.
Have the EVO 8 injectors been cleaned and flow tested??
Got any gearboxes for sale??
No problems mate.
I havent had them cleaned or flow tested. I bought them from KYP for $250 and the guy said they came out of an evo 8mr with 55k on it. He told me they would be fine to drop in without cleaning and I ran them for a bout 5k with no problems until I got the yellow sticker on my car. But might be worth cleaning them for peace of mind.
I have a gearbox which needs a rebuild but someone else has dibs on it at the moment but if the sale falls through youre welcome to it.
Need brake master cyclinder. Let
Me know if you have and a price.
I believe I have one on the car still but they are located at my parents place and I wont be going there until the weekend. I will take it off and have a look at it and then get back to you.