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Member Since 25 Jul 2008
Offline Last Active Oct 14 2015 12:18 AM

VR4 Parts Perth - Wrecking

17 August 2014 - 08:42 AM

I have 2X Galant HH VR4 wrecks I am parting out.


Have plenty more parts these are just some below. May consider selling the wrecks as well.


Let me know if you want any pics and can post at the buyers expense.


Jap Spec cooler $75
AFM and pod filter $40
Engine looms $75
Front height adjustable rally shocks $300
New unused starter motor $ 80
Motor - needs a rebuild $300
Motor 115ks - $1000
timing tensioner and pulleys $80
Gates timing belt $40
Gates racing timing belt $100
Water pump and gasket $30
Eagle Spark plug leads $20
AMG replica spoiler $180
Grilles $40 each
Aus spec tail lights $35 each
fly wheel $40
rear brake pads unused $40
Front brake pads unused $50
exhaust manifold top cover $30
Works engineering engine pulley $35
Spark plug cover $25
Evo 8 560cc injectors $180
1000cc FIC injectors $300
ERG block plate $10