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Member Since 17 Aug 2008
Offline Last Active Nov 27 2016 07:50 AM

In Topic: Looking for a 4G63 to rebuild.

13 October 2014 - 01:29 PM

Farkin George


Drop in here to see how its all going - all well fuk me.. 

Just think - for a few extra grand a little while ago you could have been going so much faster than you are now, and have saved a buttload of cash... :P


I see my old III was ripping ar$eholes a-plenty at powercruise @ the weekend - no suprise really...



Like the new rig - a move in the right direction..  :thumbsup:





In Topic: Looking for a 4G63 to rebuild.

10 January 2014 - 09:36 AM

Nice George - Always dropping in to see how she's going.. IMO be a bit more agressive with your camber  (-3.5) and get as much caster as you can..... Get that rear camber dialed in also.


Good luck @ McRae.

In Topic: [WA] EVO 3 _ Tour De Corse Replica SOLD

05 December 2013 - 02:02 AM

Hi Guys - still getting enquiries on the beaster but she is SOLD.

In Topic: E3 tubby, Intake mani, E1 Gearbox, Forgies, E3 head/block, bits n pieces

03 November 2013 - 08:27 AM

Updated - She has left the building so the remaining bits need to go to compelte the transition !

In Topic: [WA] EVO 3 _ Tour De Corse Replica SOLD

01 November 2013 - 05:28 AM

Mate - I have no doubt your offer was better than what it will go for!


But I have offloaded ~$4k in parts that were going to go with it, so in the end it will be more - if that's any consellation to you :-/


I have an offer to buy at the reserve price, if that bid get's placed (should do - and prob in the last minute) it will be sold and in someones driveway by the weekend....


Well over 1200 page views and nearing 100 watchers - you lot are nosey buggers!! lol.