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Member Since 19 Aug 2008
Offline Last Active Mar 09 2009 08:58 AM

Wanted 264/272 cams

27 February 2009 - 12:21 PM

just what the title says.
evo 1-3 vr4 4G63T here is a pic of the engine.
thank you

Wanted: Aftermarket computer to suite a stock standard VR4 engine

02 December 2008 - 06:26 AM

An example, brief >

Wanted: Aftermarket computer to suite a stock standard VR4 engine.
Computer choice conbination can be either as follows:

Microtech LTX8
Microtech LT8 with X4 ignitor pack
Microtech LT10 with X4 ignitor pack
Haltech e6x

I prefer a LTX8, but let me know what you have anyway.

Computer must be in perfect working order, complete wiring loom and coil packs. If you have a ecu that may suite my application, let me know the spec of the ecu's mapped data, like for example, injector size, or any other configured data.

In conclusion, i just need a aftermarket ecu, ready to install into a vr4 engine, must be plug and play, preferred, but if you have one from a galant vr4 or any other car not a cordia, that is still ok. most importantly it just has to be mapped for a VR4 engine.
thank you

THANKS for the help but i need more help please help

24 November 2008 - 10:36 AM

thanks guys .
i have the twin cam 6 bolt vr4
i have a microtech mt8 its maped for 4g63 what is the Crank angle sensor input configuration for this motor is it ,optical,magnetic,hall effect?

the mt8 has been upgraded for loptop use.
will i be able to configure the crank angle sensor input?
please guys any help will be appreciated thank you

WTB VR4 heat shield its the cover for exhaust manifold

18 November 2008 - 07:55 AM

VR4 heat shield its the cover for exhaust manifold thank you

need help

08 November 2008 - 12:30 PM

hi guys im new at this i hope you guys can help me out.
i need names of some electrical sensors have pics thanks
there is other 2 sensors on the first pic i coulnt take pic of as there on the bottom of the water thing