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Member Since 27 Aug 2008
Offline Last Active Feb 09 2012 04:47 AM

In Topic: when is enough

20 November 2011 - 11:30 PM

your hobbies is what keeps your sanity in a relationship. Its your "alone" time.

Agree with this. What happens when you sell the car that (if like mine) takes up a-lot of your time? you get bored... and then everything you do from now on, is "as a couple". Which as bad as it sounds, will more often then not be a compromise.

keep the car, if she can't understand the love you have for it and that it's your hobby, then maybe she's not best suited to you and time to move on before kids etc become involved.

But in saying that, don't hold onto the care in spite.... if your ready to, sell it and move with her! But let it be you, not an emotional guilt trip that makes the decision.

In Topic: FS: TD05-16G AND DP 4G93t manifold

18 November 2011 - 03:09 AM

Attached File  sarah 2011 001.JPG   126.32KB   180 downloads
Attached File  sarah 2011 002.JPG   100.71KB   184 downloads
Attached File  sarah 2011 003.JPG   106.46KB   179 downloads
Attached File  sarah 2011 004.JPG   105.7KB   172 downloads

In Topic: FS: 055afm, IC piping and random parts (ACT)

14 September 2011 - 10:56 PM

Rear pods please. Post to Perth?

Well get you a price today.

You have PM.

Replied :)

Will you separate the Evo 3 factory throttle body elbow piece from the rest? Im keen on that...??

Preffer not to start splitting thigs up. However here are some options that might suit you:


In Topic: FS: Amps, Speakers, Dicast models, computer parts,

14 September 2011 - 10:54 PM

Ha ha ha. I got that white bedside table. I use it for my undies :P

You should buy the matching unit then ;)

In Topic: Turbo failure - debris identification

23 August 2011 - 03:24 AM

Cheers for the reply jack. But it's a ballbearing turbo, which i don't beleive has this part.