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Member Since 03 Oct 2008
Offline Last Active Jul 13 2010 06:31 AM

In Topic: Workshop manual galant vr4 turbo

24 August 2009 - 05:13 AM

im after this
Body and Electrical PDF (33MB / 934 pages) Covering ALL circuit diagrams in the VR4 plus 4WS, Heater, Aircon etc :D
Download here: http://www.savefile.com/files/158411

and also if anyone has it the Evo 3 version?

what ive done is GSR shell with vr4 1991 engine and evo 3 wiring afm and ecu.

need the wiring diagrams to wire up few plugs etc. any help much appreciated

email me if makes it easier,
[email protected]


In Topic: everyones opinion please ;>

30 November 2008 - 05:27 PM

ok will this do the trick? il spend years doing it with a light tested.


do you have to wire these in?

In Topic: everyones opinion please ;>

29 November 2008 - 09:36 PM

if the CE light is on, check the fault codes and the ecu WILL TELL YOU which sensor it's not happy with.

www.vfaq.com has instructions for how to check fault codes, and what they mean.

tbh i cant find the fault codes

In Topic: everyones opinion please ;>

29 November 2008 - 09:29 PM

ok well could someone with a gsr just take a quick picture of the plug?
and im guessing no one nos how to re wire up the thermo plugs / wires?

ive got all the vr4 thermo plugs but wires are different and i cant find anywhere that tells me the matches.

In Topic: everyones opinion please ;>

27 November 2008 - 09:52 AM

anyone no what i need to hook up the oil sender too or were do i wire it up?

now my car stumps at 4000revs... sounds like its redlining but its only at 4000rpm.. i think i had this problem a while back when it was a gsr and it was my coil pack? but everything seems to be connected and fine..

any ideas? im almost in state of giving up but i no it cant be that much more