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Member Since 03 Oct 2008
Offline Last Active Jul 13 2010 06:31 AM

VR4 Crank sensor re-wire (evo3 loom)

01 September 2009 - 07:36 AM

ok as in title,
i have vr4 engine attempting to install with evo 3 loom ecu etc,
anyone guide me through the exact parts needed to make this mish of a job work? even which wires i could re-wire in the plugs etc,
having a really hard time with this.


everyones opinion please ;>

24 November 2008 - 10:13 AM

ok well the jist is..
i got my car running today ater a few months / weeks of problems with it.

some of you may know but.. this is what ive done.

gsr shell 1992
vr4 engine 1991
gsr wiring loom
evo 3 chipped ecu
tdo5 20g turbo
evo 3 afm
evo 3 yellow top 510cc
and all the fancy custom intercooler piping etc etc

now what happened today was.

had it hooked up to another car to jump start and also needed a jumper pack.
tried starting it the first time.. timing sounds _bad_ but finally starts after a little while. runs fine with few random noises idles fine.. but i rev it out and.. no turbo there is no turbo wind up or blow off valve at all... there is now fresh oil through my intercooler piping which is the intake side(oil shouldnt be here right?) but yeah anyway i got a second opinion and was told my turbo was stuffed.

bad points i still need to finish on my car.. few plugs that i dont no havint been hooked up.. none of the water temp housing unit plugs are fitted and also the oil sender plug is not connected.

my engine has just been rebuilt so no way is it anything wrong with my engine.

im also running it with the gsr coil packs and that ignition sensor on the gsr coil pack. the vr4 one wouldnt start properly.


i would like to no what you think is wrong with the turbo or is it just a seal?

and also is it even my turbo could it be something esle?

and what else do i need to change to perhaps make the timing perfect. it wont start by itself it needs a jump start every time.


Hey everyone XD

03 October 2008 - 11:44 PM

Hey everyone
my names ben
im from NZ
ive got a 92 gsr which im halfway through converting to 2ltr vr4.

which im having a bit of grief with wiring etc.

pics off my phone XD need to get better ones.

need help badly!!! 2ltr conversion.

03 October 2008 - 10:05 PM

im doing (almost complete) conversion from my 1992 gsr to a vr4 2ltr 91 motor.

ive got the vr4 motor in and everything all good BUT i have the gsr loom with evo 1 ecu. and the gsr plugs dont fit up to alot of the vr4 ones.

ive been told i need to swap over all the sensors and things like that.

is it possible anyone would no an exact list of what i need to swap over??

help would be so EXTREMELY awesome as ive been stuck at this point for ages.

ive gone through the 2ltr thread and read about re wiring it and i asked a sparky about it and he laughed at me and said it would never work.

and advice or knowledge would be so awesome!!

Thanks heaps,