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Member Since 08 Aug 2005
Offline Last Active Feb 14 2010 12:04 AM

In Topic: ALEX'S CHEAPEST CARS (wrecks)

14 May 2008 - 09:05 AM

Ahh alex!
what can i say :D

In Topic: I sold my baby tonight

24 July 2007 - 12:17 AM

lol thanks guys......yes i will be back but not for a year. I think i wana go Jap spec when i come back mind you i wont have a bench (rear bar) to sit on at picknics :lol:

Do they have gvr4's in the uk like the e3's n that or just the newer ones???

In Topic: Aspec vr4 sold please delete.

18 July 2007 - 08:21 AM

Price drop, need car sold.
I have reciepts for over 3k with all work done by dealerships.
Also locaton is frankston vic.

In Topic: something rong with this add?

12 July 2007 - 01:54 AM

Thats the coolest looking magna i have ever seen :lol: never new they came in turbo?

In Topic: 3 Dimerits for going through an amber light????????

10 July 2007 - 11:57 PM

Well i got a notice in the mail today, 3 dimerits and a $220 fine..... also it says i failed to stop on a red light. I went down to the station just before and asked why it said red and the cop replied "same thing" well i dont want it on my record that i ran a red apose to an amber. I used to have a fair bit of respect for police when my mates got speeding fines etc that they were pissed off at i would say well its your fault etc....but when it comes down to could of he stopped or ??????? that doesnt seem like there is enough facts and evidense to lose 3 points and $220 clearly just trying to raise money.
I am going to get the report changed to amber but i am still royally pissed off!