well she's finally gone my aspec vr4. I enjoyed the time i had driving it and it was a great car to learn the ropes in being awd.
I would just like to say thanks for all the help etc i have gotten from you all. This is a great forum and i have no doubt great people. I may return to the 4g's later in my life but for now i have just bought a 89 telsta tx5 for $1000 with 12 months rego which i will sell in 5-6months due to going overseas. I just needed a cheap car to run around in till then.
anyways thanks for the help and im sure i will see you guys down the track solong as alex(madevo) and mvr420 (daniel) and dale (dre's old vr4) keep there cars i will shotgun a seat in the next cruiz.
Cheers and remember drive safe, life is more valuable than any car
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