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Member Since 08 Aug 2005
Offline Last Active Feb 14 2010 12:04 AM

I sold my baby tonight

23 July 2007 - 07:25 AM

:cry: well she's finally gone my aspec vr4. I enjoyed the time i had driving it and it was a great car to learn the ropes in being awd.

I would just like to say thanks for all the help etc i have gotten from you all. This is a great forum and i have no doubt great people. I may return to the 4g's later in my life but for now i have just bought a 89 telsta tx5 for $1000 with 12 months rego :lol: which i will sell in 5-6months due to going overseas. I just needed a cheap car to run around in till then.

anyways thanks for the help and im sure i will see you guys down the track solong as alex(madevo) and mvr420 (daniel) and dale (dre's old vr4) keep there cars i will shotgun a seat in the next cruiz.

Cheers and remember drive safe, life is more valuable than any car :wink:


Aspec vr4 sold please delete.

16 July 2007 - 09:21 AM

Hey guys, after thinking long and hard about my future with my vr4 i have decided that it is now the time to give her up.
I will no doubt be losing a crazy amount of money on her as i have just spent more than $3000 getting it up to good condition.

heres the low down.
has 207,000km, is maroon/burgandy in colour, drives great and will have a rwc.
Also has 95% tread and i think about 10 months rego.

All work that has been done includes
-a fully recod head with new valves and guides etc.
-new water pump
-new oil pump
-new belts inc timing belt.
-new tensioners
-new balancers
-new pully's
-had the block inspected to find its in good cond.
-new head gasket
other things include
-new front shockers
-new rear disc's
-new pads
-new drive shafts
-new drive shaft/cv boots

-Is immacculate appart from a small dent in the drivers door.

This car has cost me a fotune and i am proud of keeping it origional and restoring the life into it but unfortuantly the next owner will get all the rewards of my empty pocket.
I know i will not get back close to what i have spent on it hence the low price but i just need to get something a bit more economical and cheap.
Please come to me with an offer but at this price i am sure it will sell close to my desired price.


3 Dimerits for going through an amber light????????

08 July 2007 - 09:43 AM

Ok here's the story....
Was driving this morning and as it was wet and there was no white lines on the road due to road resurfacing i miss judged wether or not i could stop safely so i proceeded through the lights. I was then pulled over and the cops said i could of stopped and that i speed up to get through......i replied with maybe i could of but it was a judgement decision and i did not feel as though i could of done and also that i was not speeding but simply regaining speed after attempting to slow down.

They didn't seem to care much and they took down my details and when i asked if it was a fine or loss of points they said 3 dimerits and a fine, i think this is farken harsh as considering it wasn't as though i was running a red light or anything. I am going to get a photo of the road tomorro for evidence why i miss judged the lights (no lines). The funny thing is i didn't recieve any tickets or anything they just took my details and drove off. Could it be possible that they were just trying to scare me or don't they usually give you anything for speeding up through an amber light.

Ow also the cop said "amber means stop" clearly he didnt pay much attension in road rules i wish i had said then what does red mean? amber means stop if it is safe to do so and i made the decision that it wasnt and as i am a licensed driver that is my right to make.

What do you guys think? they just trying to scare me or what?



30 May 2007 - 10:43 AM

Well after sorting out all my car troubles or so i thought i was driving along and out of nowhere i get this rumbling noise and vibration from my front left wheel area :cry: It mostly occurs when accelerating through 2-3 gears under load. I have checked the hub and wheel with the help of a mechanic friend which looked ok then took it for a test drive and there wasnt much of a vibration then when i drove off thinking everything was ok it started again i was like wtf! could this be because of the was passengers weight? This is really wierd vibration so any help would be apreciated. My mate didnt have time to check over it again as he was at work and just spent a few hours fixing my alternator :lol: so im on my own with this one! ow and almost feels like clutch slip but from the front left hand side :idea:

p.s cars are evil :evil:

Alternator settings?

29 May 2007 - 05:10 AM

What tension should the alternator belt be at? how do i get it to line up straight and if its not done perfectly will it do damadge?
