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Member Since 27 Oct 2008
Offline Last Active Mar 23 2013 04:39 PM

1997 BMW 540i V8

06 November 2010 - 01:10 AM

nothing really done to it
Fully option with features
BBS Stock wheels
Inbuilt GPS, TV, 6 CD Changer

Looking around $15,000 for it
Willing to trade for evo :D

Photos will be uploaded soon

Contact: 0423851715

Original Evo 4 Seats

14 October 2010 - 10:02 AM

Front and back evo 4 seats going for $1000

Mint condition just wear on the driver side from going in and out of the car
Location: Springvale

Msg me, 0423851715


EVO I Shell but GSR motor SOLD

26 August 2010 - 09:41 AM

Original evo I shell but running gsr motor
Rego due: July 2011

everything that on it is evo but not the motor
Motor done 120,XXXkm
Body done 80,XXXkm
Brand new standard heavy duty clutch exedy
Rocker cover and sump seals been done
Timing belt and seal just been done
Sparco rims
Evo 2 wing
Fb evo 3 bar
Evo 1 seats
Original bonnet
Transfer case and diff is running martini oil
Car come with some random rear seat, tail shaft and anything that sitting around my garage :D
Car doesnt come with Headunit and Sub


Pm me or sms me on 0423851715

cheers guys


22 August 2010 - 01:57 PM

as above been crash on the LHF Corner where the wheel is, it has been written off so pm me if you guys want some parts and i will get back to you or sms me 0423851715


Located in Melbourne, Springvale
Wont be Stripping the car anytime soon gotta make some room before i start.


22 August 2010 - 01:54 PM

as above pm me guys

cheers :D