disclaimer: On the spot fine is 10% of the maximum penalty. A QC once said to me everytime you walk into a court room there is a risk. This letter is a great idea PROVIDING the Magistrates maintain the status quo and doesn't decide to make a few examples of people or is a little bit grumpy. Your day can change VERY quickly.
enough people on board will merely create a new normal where you choose to go to court and the Magistrate makes you reget the decision by merely moving up in the penalty range.
to the guy who's mate drove pissed you got lucky and got home safe well done, but he used 1 more chance.
Tell your mate to test the effects of alcohol by downing a 6 pack and then jumping in the ring with someone they are fairly equal with and see if he wants to drive after a few again (if his feeling brave I'll clean his clock for him)
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