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Member Since 13 Nov 2008
Offline Last Active Mar 28 2010 09:07 AM

In Topic: GGSR and Galant MS Part-out

19 April 2009 - 11:57 AM

Hey mate, do you have headers for a GGSR?

In Topic: Hey all!

17 November 2008 - 02:57 AM

Yeah manny, I read that somewhere too... and I'm pretty sure the pharaoh's rally became the paris-dakar... :rolleyes:

Hey matress, here are some pics of some of my old gems.. I'm up to gem 17! :D These pics are 8, 5, and 2 years ago..

Attached File  debs old gem.jpg   20.15KB   58 downloads

Attached File  Rally gem @ BB (2).jpg   6.64KB   60 downloads

Attached File  gemsmoke.jpg   16.56KB   58 downloads

And here's my FC, this pic is a few years ago..It hasn't changed much.

Attached File  1FC @ Patto.jpg   24.56KB   53 downloads

OH NO!! The christmas cruise is on the 14th of Dec!! I won't be able to make it.. :( That's the same day as the last Winton funday for the year.. I'm taking the Nimbus there.. It's got a point to prove to a few people..
These should help..
Attached File  avon.jpg   26.51KB   58 downloads
Avon ACB10's :D

In Topic: Hey all!

14 November 2008 - 10:12 PM

Sorted for the cruise, would be fun provided I can get outa work for the day.

Future mods? :)
I'm thinking get an 89-91, reshell any good bits, EVO 0 motor, add another rear sway bar (or 2), knock up some coil overs, RX7 4pots.

Soon mods... Headers. Already made a mandrel 2 1/4 zorst.

Ideally, Import a limited Los Andes ski edition.. turbo, AWD, EVERY option.

Found these on a japanese site..Awsome!

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Attached File  p2.jpg   14.35KB   52 downloads

Are there any AWD MX's in Oz?? I'd love to see under a real one.... ;)

In Topic: CHRISTMAS CRUISE 14th of DEC!!!!

14 November 2008 - 10:02 PM

If I can get off work, I'm in.
Love the spur.

Suggestion.. If the arrangements are not cement, have you considered pushing on a little further to Buxton? Has anyone heard of a BUXTON BURGER?
Legendary burger.. We've driven out there heaps of times just for the burger..


In Topic: Hey all!

14 November 2008 - 12:35 PM

Christmas cruise? Sounds good. I'll search the forum for details ;)

As far as I can find, the early j-spec chariot was never twin cam. The 83 - 91 petrol turbo option seemed to have the same setup as our cordia turbos..
But, being a not widely adored car, there is not alot of material out there.