Hi guys, my name is Greg, and I live in Melbourne.
For the last few years I thought I was the only person in the world who considered an early model Nimbus to be a decent car!?:confused:
Now all of a sudden, I find a forum with not just one person who agrees, but a few people who have actually gone ahead and modified some!
I am on my second Nimbus, this one's a UB, and I put a 4G63 DOHC from an imported HH Galant GSR. It's all pretty stock ATM, (for an injected 2L twin cam nimbus), but I'm paving my way for a VR4 swap. Which is not as much work now. I wish I'd known about this forum back then!
Even with this motor, the old people mover has a usable amount of go, and great economy.
I love the practicality, sleeper, and cost factor of these cars. This one, so far, has cost under $1.5k and I'm onto my second gearbox, (cordia turbo).
Yesterday I thought I had a fast Nimbus.. Today I am humbled!
There's a vid of my bus here --> http://jp.youtube.co...h?v=0Z53xrqWpF0
I also own a few Gemini's, an SP20, and an FC RX7.
This looks like a great forum!
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Member Since 13 Nov 2008Offline Last Active Mar 28 2010 09:07 AM