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Member Since 02 Sep 2005
Offline Last Active Aug 03 2014 12:16 PM

wtb proton jumbuck

24 December 2013 - 03:56 AM

Looking for a proton jumbuck with no motor or with a 4g93 already installed. Need a car for my dad. Even if it has the 4g15 motor, need a jumbuck dirt cheap.

wtb various awd parts cc

18 October 2013 - 03:16 AM

Looking for items cheap. Dont care if they look faded. As long as they are not damaged.

all rear control arms, rear trailing arms, diff with axles, tail shaft, rear k frame and diff support, fuel filler hose and all brackets on the body to hold it all

Email me on [email protected] if you want to keep private.

Also curious, a cheap 2.4litre dohc engine available from anyone. As long as in one piece. Just long motor. Want to experiment.