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Member Since 18 Nov 2008
Offline Last Active Apr 09 2015 04:47 AM

In Topic: eBay Parts Sightings

07 October 2009 - 06:52 AM

hey guys i've got my 4g93 turbo engine up for sale on ebay atm if anyone is interested. Follow the link:


cheers, Richard

In Topic: Desperatly seeking 4G93t

10 May 2009 - 03:04 AM

Hey buddy, i've still got my fully rebuilt turbo project SOHC 4G93 selling for $1250. Nothing more needs doing, just strap on that supercharger of yours and away you go. If you're genuinely interested give me a call.

Otherwise, hit Wes up for his GSR internals at:

In Topic: WTB: Cam Gear Cover 4G93

24 March 2009 - 12:18 PM

hey buddy, what year is your 4g93 for? I've got some covers that would fit a CE if you want them. In Brisbane though, so i'd have to send them down to you. PM me.

cheers, Richard

In Topic: WTD : 4g93 Tappet cover

03 March 2009 - 02:12 PM

hey matie,
what kind of a 4g93 engine do you have? I've got a spare tappet cover here off of a CE 4g93 if it's of any use to you?

I'm in brisbane too.

cheers, Richard

In Topic: WTB: 4g93t Clutch

22 February 2009 - 01:22 PM

Hey matie,
i've got a 4g93 N/A flywheel, and a brand new upgraded clutch (slightly heavier than standard) if that would help you out.

cheers, Richard