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Member Since 07 Sep 2005
Offline Last Active Dec 29 2005 01:23 AM

In Topic: coilovers

19 November 2005 - 11:20 AM

i know way back when King Springs, K-Mac all made custom coil overs, i have used both on my car and both were custom made.

In Topic: Hey all

19 November 2005 - 10:27 AM

bit of an update

Just a few weeks to go, maybe even end of next week and i will be driving her again.

Below is a pic i took yesterday after it was resprayed, i have chopped the height a fraction (i have coil overs so it will go to that height eventually) and moved the bar up a little to where it will be once fitted.

Not lowered

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I know i need sides and rear but that will either come later or wait till next year when i have the custom kit made.

I will post more pics of the car once it is on the road and its all nice and washed :)

In Topic: Autosalon - what a wank

19 November 2005 - 10:07 AM

i havent been to one since about 2001 and even back then it had gone to shit, 97/98/99 were the best years in my opinion. Sometimes i hate saying i have a lancer because of the crap people do to them and the stereotype people hold towards them, but then when they see mine its ok ;)

In Topic: Dyno day / Cruise - Sydney to Wollongong

19 November 2005 - 10:04 AM

if my car is registered by then ill be up for it, although i think there is another big cruise to newcastle on the 11th Dec

In Topic: What do you do?

12 November 2005 - 10:33 AM

bum most of the time, also run my dads contruction business (only small) while he recovers from an illness and i work part time for http://gotfrag.com an online professional gaming media organisation, but most of my time is spent researching and putting together a business plan for a nightclub.