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Member Since 27 Nov 2008
Offline Last Active Feb 03 2014 01:56 AM

WTB : quarter panel!

04 March 2009 - 12:35 AM

Hey after a front left quarter panel preferably in silver of r a HH e39a vr4

Gaskets SA

26 February 2009 - 02:55 AM

Hi, where is the best place to get gaskets replaced in Adelaide? im not sure which ones are shagged, fairly sure, turbo and manifold gaskets as there is alot of carbon build up on the rocker cover just above manifold and turbo....
Cheers antony

Body Parts Needed!

06 February 2009 - 03:18 AM

Hey guys im after some Jap Spec body parts all in stock light silver colour to solve my dent problems:

Front bar
Rear Bar
Front left quarter panel
Front left passenger door

Cheers Antony

Jap Spec Brake Pad Codes

23 January 2009 - 01:56 AM

Hey does anyone know the code for Jap Spec Brake Pads, i think the aus specs take a different size pad to the jap spec and im calling up ABS to order pads and i need to know the code, thanks Antony

Wanted to Buy : Spark Plug Leads

03 January 2009 - 02:59 PM

Hey im wonderin where to get a set of leads for my E39A VR4 as most places only have the leads with out the actual spark plug hole covers, if you get my jist
Cheers Antony