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Member Since 06 Dec 2008
Offline Last Active Jan 13 2014 07:44 AM

In Topic: LED Light Bar on HSGR?

10 January 2014 - 08:06 AM

Just to clarify the situation on LED light bars you should read the information on the following link:




Looks like you will need to cut and paste as it does not show up as a link. This clearly allows the use of a single light bar in QLD until ADR 13 is reviewed in the near future. I would have to look up the requirements for the use of HID's but from memory they can only be used on a vehicle with self levelling headlights to compensate for varying load conditions.



In Topic: RVR (97 HSG R) Central Locking Wiring

03 August 2013 - 10:37 AM

I did mine but quite a while ago. I replaced the control module with one I got from Jaycar as mine was dead and trigger it with my immobiliser.

The control is from a very hazy memory near the steering column and is triggered by a momentry current. I dont believe the previous post is 100% correct as I had none of those units involved when I changed mine and it all still works. I am fairly sure the unit is triggered by a momentry negative current but that is easilly checked by what happens when you check the lock wire while using the key in the door lock. As long as your alarm has the correct output it should all be good.
