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Member Since 27 Dec 2008
Offline Last Active Jan 02 2009 01:16 PM

Wrecked motor

27 December 2008 - 10:14 AM

Hey guys, got a galant vr4 92 model, 4g63 engine had it for roughly 3 months, (so im just new to the whole scene).. running a kkr440 turbo. apparently wat happened was the air con belt slipped off, wrapped itself round the timing belt and melted it along with the harmonic balancer, well thats wat he told me. He suspected there was internal damage, opened it up and sed all the valves are stuck open, and pretty much told me the engine was fucked. DO i have to replace to whole engine, or is there another solution? if i do have to replace the engine.... does anyone have a complete package to go?.... in brisbane, thanks alot guys, any help will be appreciated =]