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Member Since 03 Apr 2005
Offline Last Active Aug 21 2010 08:08 AM

Which Evo rims

01 April 2010 - 07:04 AM


The price of Evo rims is too good these days to over-look as replacements for boring stockies. With that, which do you think I should get?

Stock Evo VIII rims:
Posted Image

Stock VII rims:
Posted Image

Or VII rims powdercoated black:
Posted Image

VR4 Recaro seat rail

23 March 2010 - 11:07 AM


I have a drivers side recaro seat rail to suit VR4 for sale. It's a bottom mount rail, to suit Recaro seats (or seats with the same mounts).

Paid $250, sell $200 o.n.o

Get rid of that couch they call a drivers seat!

I can arrange pics if really neccessary, but it's literally a black seat rail, LOL.
It's very rare (I rarely see custom VR4 seat rails, let alone a rail specifically manufactured for a VR4) so low-ball offers are likely to offend.
