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Member Since 22 Sep 2005
Offline Last Active Dec 24 2012 06:36 PM

microtec mt8 ecu and loom $350

17 December 2012 - 12:12 PM

Ecu loom and digi hand controller.suit vr4 $350


for sale ball bearing turbo set up

14 November 2012 - 02:21 PM

Hi I have an IHI rx5/rx6d highflow on a custom manifold uses an external gate but not supplied
Comes with braided oil line. Specs are on par with a tdo5 20g

Selling for $500 ono quick sale.Sydney will posf

For Sale 4G63T 6 bolt, microtec manifold etc

08 November 2012 - 01:36 PM

i have a 4g63t 6 bolt out of a VR4 for sale, its currently in my second cordia. its a complete motor minus the hot side. not too sure on exact km's come from an importer. $1500

Microtec MT8 ecu and loom, suits vr4. i bought it and was told it was tuned for a big 16g on a vr4. $500

Turbo xs manifold $50

arias forged pistons - will have to get specs. $500

open to swaps/trade

Located in sydney - will post

4G63T spark issues

02 November 2012 - 01:36 PM

hey i have a 4g63t out of a vr4 in my cordia, its been sitting for about 12 months now as it has an EPA defect. i started it up and it sounded like it was running on 3 cylinders (sounded like a nug rexy) i checked the plugs they were black cleaned them and put them back in, leads are new, coil pack had corrosion so i sanded it back clean, still no good, put a new coil in, still no good,,ive replaced all vac lines, found boost leaks and fixed them all, cylinders 1 and 3 have weaker spark than 2 and 4, Im running an EMS dualsport with an EMS ignitor, so i wired in a standard power TR unit, it sparked strong across all cylinders, ,, took it for another drive and once i reached full boost 12psi in first gear and changed into second, the moment the clutch is pressed in the engine seems to instantly sound like a rexy running on 3 cylinders..drive it around at 2000 revs for 20 seconds and its back to running on all four strong. i just cant figure it out!!

Im running ,,,

big 16g, stock injectors, ems dual sport ecu and supporting mods.. had been tuned just before being parked up by V&E rigoli

Ive read alot of people had simular problems but no one seems to have posted back with what the cure was..

peace ..