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Member Since 14 Jan 2009
Offline Last Active Oct 09 2010 04:36 AM

Canadian 92 Evo 1 GSR part out (Winnipeg MB)

16 January 2010 - 02:03 PM

92 Evo 1 GSR part out
hey i'm posting this on behalf of a friend of mine who has written off his evo 1 gsr. He is looking at buying the car back from mpi to part out to fellow evo 1 owners. He is looking to see if there is any interest from you guys to see if it's worth buying back. please let me know and i'll forward the info on to him thanks.

Evolution 1 North American brakes

29 November 2009 - 08:22 PM

I was recently asked on one of our local forums about this topic and thought that this knowledge might be useful for other fellow Canadian Evo1 owners out there.

Lancer Evolution 1 Brakes (EBC)
Evolution 1 Front pads have 2 styles. 128x51x16mm part# dp3830c
150x59x16mm part# dp3954c

Evolution 1 Rear pads have 1 style only. 98x44x14mm part#dp3576c

Evolution 1 Rotors only one style for both types of pads. Front part# D671
Rear part# D854

North American Equivalent Cars and Part Numbers (EBC)

Eclipse 1997 GST (FWD) front pads 128x51x16mm part # DP2830
Eclipse 91-85 GSX (AWD) front pads 150x59x16mm part# DP2954
Gallant VR4 2.0l (E38A) (E39A) Rear pads 98x44x14mm part# DP3576c

Brake Rotors.
Gallant VR4 90-92 (E39A) Front D671
Volvo s40/v40 1.6l 96-04, 1.8l 95-04, 1.9 turbo t4 (200bhp) 98-04, 2.0l 95-04. Part #D854

I got all this information by using EBC uk website. I collected all the Evolution 1 part numbers and started cross-referencing them to other Mitsubishi cars until I found the matches. You�ll notice some of the brake pad part numbers are not the same. This is due to the different qualities of the pads offered by EBC. The evo pads are sometimes the �upgrade� to lesser quality pads on the eclipses ect. If you wish to confirm my findings I came up with all the above info I used the EBC brakes and Summit racing.

DSM(eclipse) AWD gearset in EVO1

27 October 2009 - 10:57 PM

Hey guys i was just wondering if anyone know if an AWD DSM gear set will fit into a EVO1 case? Or if anything will. I'm looking to get longer gearing. I find the evo gearing a little to tight for what i want.

recaro seat broke!

01 October 2009 - 02:25 PM

HI my drivers side recaro seat in my evo1 broke last night night so i'm in need of a new seat. question is will stock evo 8 seats physicaly fit in the car properly? i can mod my rails if needed. or does any one have any suggestions for new seats?

bottom end rev limit

17 September 2009 - 01:27 PM

I want to get a set of crower 272 272 cams, with these cams my rev limit should increase right? If so what is a stock Evo1 bottom end good for??