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Member Since 15 Jan 2009
Offline Last Active Oct 06 2010 05:47 AM

Need your knowledge!

30 April 2009 - 11:10 AM

Hey Guys,
Im selling a 4g61 engine out of my old 1990 cb gsr lancer on ebay and a guy has asked me this question....

"hi could yu please help. will this fit in a16v 2litre 1989 galant"

I responded with...

"Im not sure. From memory the galant you are talking about comes from the factory with an NA 4G63, is this correct? if so it shouldn't be too hard, i believe you only need to modify the passenger side engine mount. It would be best to find out for sure though. I'll check with the guys on my car forum and get back to you. Cheers"

so if any one can help me out it would be much appreciated!:thumbsup:


Your opinion on which engine...

21 April 2009 - 07:29 AM

Hey guys & Gals,
Just wanting every ones opinion on which motor i should swap into my C53A CB GSR. It will be a while before i have the cash to do it but should hopefully be this year. personally i am leaning towards the 4g61t as it is cheap and pretty much a straight forward swap. Do remember tho it is a FWD car so i am not chasing huge power levels.

FS: 6" SPEAKER PODS brand new *sold*

10 April 2009 - 12:07 AM

6" Fiberglass speaker pods with a BLACK vinyl finish.
Brand new with box perfect condition.
Bought them for $55 selling for $30 plus postage.
Posted Image

Seat Rails...

08 March 2009 - 01:01 AM

Howdy all,
Has anyone that put aftermarket seats in their cb gsr got any ideas/ info on how to make them fit properly. i modified the drivers side seat rail yesterday, but when i went to put it in the car it was so much higher than standard height that my head was touching the bloody roof! (lucky i have 2 sets of rails :D). after looking at the rails i cant see any way to attach the seat lower, is there any aftermarket rails you can buy???
anyway thanks in advance guys any info would be greatly appreciated,

My new 3 door cb gsr

19 February 2009 - 10:25 AM

Hey guys,
Well i finally got it! just got home from picking here up. Got it off G5R5OL, he is a great guy, when i went up to look at it the first time he pointed out every little thing that was wrong with it that i didn't notice. he even showed me that underneath the side skirt there was a bit of surface rust where it had been rubbing against the body!!. i highly recommend dealing with him.

Anyhow, its a white 3 door cb gsr (c53a), it has RALLIART coilovers :D , Ralliart gear knob, cc gsr wheels, heavy duty cluch, cc gear shifter ( shorter throw between gears= fun), and ive probably missed a few things. Many plans for the future, in the near future tho ill be swapping all the goodies from my old car into this one. God them Ralliart coilovers are sweet it handles waaaaaaay better than my old gsr ever did it is full on like a little go cart!
I'll get pictures up on sat when i go up to my parents house cause my camera is up there.