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Member Since 20 Jan 2009
Offline Last Active Oct 02 2010 05:20 PM

In Topic: How to make 300fwkw?

19 January 2010 - 03:02 AM

u wont get 300kw from stock internals but u will get close to 260kw but it will prob last u no more than a a few weeks.i was running a j spec 93t motor with few mods bigger injectors, fmic, tdo5,stinger duelsport comp with stock internals lasted a good 8 months but in the end its worth your while to rebuild the bottom end for sure just using a set of forged rods pistons an ring will help you get to 300kw safely.evan though the j spec come out with factory forgies that mixed with few good mods and a good tune will destroy factory internals speaking from experience the week point in the 93t are there bottom end.invest in a lsd for sure a heavy duty clutch to support the strain on the clutch.get some semi slicks under it and with 200kw u should easily pull a mid 12 thats plenty fast enough u wont want to be having a faster fwd car lol trust me.

In Topic: wtb- 4g93t motor

04 March 2009 - 12:31 AM

gosh i wish i lived in tassie im from the brisbane area but if i get the motor for the right price might consider looking at freighting.

In Topic: wtb - evo 3 front bar

12 February 2009 - 02:41 PM

hey sorry bout the no location part. im located in ipswich about 40 min from brisbane.id prefer something close and not to freight a bar because of damage reasons.im looking around no more than 350 for a fibreglass one. im not sure if the genuine bars are the same as the fibre glass copy which i currently have dont quote me thou but i just heard you have to change to evo 3 guards because they are flared?.

In Topic: wtb - evo 3 front bar

22 January 2009 - 12:48 PM

thanks for that jap63 ill def give that girl a ring mora:)