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Member Since 25 Jan 2009
Offline Last Active Dec 12 2010 01:52 PM

In Topic: E39A HH Galant VR4's

12 December 2010 - 01:54 PM

The best mod so far mate, has been the move to the BLACK VR4. Very nice look, specially with those mags.

In Topic: panel beater/painter

01 February 2010 - 02:11 PM

I take it Carl is your brother Jerome? Is he spray painter by trade, or doe she do it on the side?
Would be interested in finding someone to do my whole car once it's on the road; a VR4 same as the other boys who've commented on here.


In Topic: Willowbank drags Sat 9th Jan

27 January 2010 - 12:50 PM

now my car's as fast as yours again Tim - with it being off the road an all :lol:


In Topic: AWD Supra...Drool

27 January 2010 - 12:45 PM

The rest of the package is impressive as well. That exhaust isn't exactly a standard 3" upgrade. I wonder if the drive-shaft routing power to the front wheels will be strong enough for the power that turbo will develop?

And that TURBO... so big that the lag will dictate that a tacho is pointless and he should use a calender instead.

In Topic: Willowbank drags Sat 9th Jan

23 January 2010 - 01:59 AM

Accompanying Tim on the night was a considerable group of VR4's and Legnums from OZVR4.com, and a few EVO's to boot (didn't chat to the EVO guys to find out if they were on any forums). One EVO ("TRIPPY" licence plate) posted a time of around 11.2 @ 124 mph.

Tim played around with a few different settings, mostly trying to sort out the launch and 1st to 2nd shift. Best for the night was about 11.7 @ 122 mph.

There were a few sleepers present, most notably an old 83 White Nissan Bluebird, running a SR20 turbo engine under the bonnet.

Most of the cars running faster than Tim and the blue EVO were not road registerable. All in all, a good night out, even for spectating.
