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Member Since 10 Oct 2005
Offline Last Active Dec 06 2010 11:51 AM

Base Timing for EIII

24 September 2010 - 02:13 AM

Hey all, thought id run this by here, as someone will surely know. When setting the timing on an E3, iss there a plug to be earthed to get static timing like on the VR4?

On the VR4 theres a pin on the firewall that has to be earthed to show static/base timing, is there something similar on an evo1/2/3? Im about to set timing up and want to be sure of the reading I'm getting. Also, does anyone know factory Base timing , i figure it will be on the inside of the bonnet, was thinking around 8 deg BTDC..


SOLD: Tarmacs (5Stud)

31 August 2010 - 12:18 PM

Selling on behalf of a friend....details below..

- Enkei WRC Evo Tarmac 17 x 8.5 +35
- Tyres - 235/17/45 Rockstones 80-90% tread
- 9kg each i think
- Good condition, some gutter rash and wear
- Should scrub up decent though

$900 or offers......am open to offers

Call Aku on 0411880884

If cant get through then
Jamie on 0410115 392

A Number Plate (QLD)

20 May 2010 - 12:20 AM

Hello everyone agaiiiin.:)

Item: QLD Number Plate
Price: Purchase price>$2300
Location: Gold Coast
Contact: Pm, Email, Reply

I listed this with PPQ, so it may go to one of their auctions whenever they come up.Anyway, not that anyone seems to have any excess money at the moment, but is for sale and all offers are considered above that of purchase price.

White text, black 'Flexiglass' facing.
Slimline Front and Slimline Rear (Both 372x100mm)

If you have to ask what this plate means then Its probably not for you. Yes you will probably get less leniency and likely breath/drug tested every time your pulled up. But if your car is has the effect of relaxing you then.........


Whats going on here.

07 February 2010 - 11:49 AM



JAP63's latest (no Mitsi)

01 February 2010 - 10:48 AM

Yes. I am game enough to upload my latest Non Mitsu ride and be flamed.:thumbsup:
Hi to all I aint seen in ages. Note-this cars is nearly as good as the III.:o