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Member Since 02 Feb 2009
Offline Last Active Sep 27 2011 03:05 AM

#181127 4G Nats discussion

Posted by ziad on 10 January 2010 - 10:17 AM

and something else. as there are no other people u on the track u are activly racing against, except the clock. i think the hillclimb will keep most dickhead behaviour out of the system.

the track is most definately a hard track and i would advise that u get someone who has done the track before and is a good driver to get all of the competitors out on the track for a morning walk...which is compulsory. plus maybe have the first 1 or 2 runs as untimed and practice... esp true for the noobs for the day.

you do not need semi slicks (thought will be better, maybe) as the whole track is less than 1k long and semi's take longer to heat up to proper temp. and with brakes a "fucking good" set of street/track pads is an absolute must, nothing too track oriented, the pads need to work from the word go.

#181124 4G Nats discussion

Posted by ziad on 10 January 2010 - 10:13 AM

hey entran, i read ur post and see a few possible things which might cause issues.

1) at my day at HH, there were about 45people driving. the DD team started off with one run per driver then u line up. so u got one 60sec run and then wait for 40mins for ur turn. they quickly relise the problem with that. divided into 3 groups of 15 each, gave each driver in one group one run. next time out they gave each group 2 runs... this was the better.
i think most probably 3 runs per group would be the best. once ur 3 runs are don u can rest for 1hr till the next runs come up. plenty of track time and not too much time spent waiting in line. they did 2 runs each group and I ended up with 20+ runs for the day.
now most normal clubs do it in the fasion u talk about and they seem to end up with 5-6runs per driver for the day, but they usually have more drivers 60ish.

2) most CAMS clubs charge about 80-100 for the day. DD charged 130 for the day (they require no insurance like AASA or CAMS). so asking 150-200, unless u were planning on having less cars than 45 would be a little too much.....unless u have no sponsors and paying officials/organisers for time and effort.

3)i am pretty sure that i read some club...most probably WRX club had AASA insurance for the day. maybe ask them or ask HH or AASA to confirm. as AASA is usually cheaper and easier to organise. otherwise u WILL NEED cams certified officials.

4)if u havent or know anyone who havnt filled out AASA etc forms, let me know i might be able to help a bit.