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Member Since 02 Feb 2009
Offline Last Active Sep 27 2011 03:05 AM

a question about customer service

04 April 2010 - 11:31 PM

ok i will not say any company names here. so hopefully the mods dont delete this thread.

i have a problem with an australian company. They advertised a COP (coil on plug) kit at a special introductory price. Now after a little research i found that the reputation of company is world class. Also the introductory price was cheaper than an overseas competitor that was selling a similar COP but it was using used coils.

so i contacted the company asked them to confirm the price, which they did. then I said ok i want to put in an order. they replied with sorry but waiting on plates before they can make it. and should be in about 1 week. so i wait and then contact again. now they tell me they waiting for the actual coils and it will be a week before they get them. Ok so i wait a little longer. all the while thinking why advertise if its not ready.

now possibly realising that the competitor was selling used parts they contact me again to say if i do not want to wait for long time i can have the kit but with used coils... i reply well it depends on how much they willing to decrease the price by. to which they tell me 10% decrease from the original price. i told me no thanks i will wait for the NEW kit. so after another week i notice they increase the prices of the new Kit to 165% of "introductory price" and a kit with used coils to same as the "introductory price". taking the "introductory price" bit off

finally i get a contact by the company that the new kit is ready and go and do i still want it. i said yep and give me ur banking details and invoice. to which i get an invoice that is 160% of the original "introductory price". or a 5% discount on their RRP.


Now my question are:
1) is it fair for me to be angry?
2) is it reasonable for me to expect the company to honour their original advertised price? if they do not want to, what options do i have?

EPIC FAIL.... haha

13 February 2010 - 11:32 AM

Haha, been meaning to put this up. anyway last thursday evening we lost power for an hour or two... the reason:

The booze bus was damaged and nearby homes were blacked out when part of the police vehicle hit power lines as officers set up a drink-driving station about 8pm on Wellington Road in Mulgrave.
Power was cut when the bus' lighting rig, raised to light up the area, hit overhead high-voltage lines. A United Energy spokesman said power was cut to 1754 homes, some of them until midnight.


Another DECA day 29th August 2009

22 June 2009 - 04:49 AM

Basically I am organising a driver training/Skidpan day at the DECA Facilities in shepperton. Skylines Australia and a few other car clubs hold regular days there. It is a great opportunity to have legal and safe fun with your car learn how your car behaves in different situations all in a safe environment. It is an early start unfortunately but it should mean that every one will have more then enough time on the skidpan and track. We are hoping for about 25 people for the day.

The best thing is, unlike a track day you do not need new brake pads, tires or any special prep, all that is required is a roadworthy car, a helmet and full sleeves shirt and a trouser in non flammable clothing. You will require a AASA or CAMS license, if you do not have one you can get a AASA License on the day for $50 extra. this license is valid for 12 months and can be used at events at calder, shepperton DECA, winton etc so will not goto waste. The entry fee for the deca day is $150.

The events on the skid pan are quite small (less than 1 minute each) which is not enough to warm up semi slicks etc. So you could rock up in your completely street spec car with crap tyres and still have fun and learn a few things. There is also a hill climb section of the facility that we plan to use.

Spectators are free to come and watch. You can also get rides in cars competing in the skidpan part, as long as the driver is happy to take you around. The only requirement is that you have a helmet, full sleved shirt and trousers plus enclosed shoes. You will need to fill out indemnity form as well.

I will open the enty in the first week of July so if you got a car be there. but be quick as only limited spaces are available. I will put up links to supp regs and entry forms closer to the entry date.

I hope I see some early mitsu beasts this time, and it would be good too see them spank the newer evos, as last time there was only 1.

Supp Regs:
I have attached a zip copy of the pdf. if you are having problems please pm me with you email address or have look at the thread below for them. you will need to register on evolutionoz to look at the thread.

Bank Account Details:
Amount To Pay: $150 (or $200 if paying for a new AASA License)
Name: Muhammad Z.
BSB: 343005
Account Number: 113899412
To Account Description: DECA *your username* (use this same in the netbank reference box in the registration page, so i can match up payments)

Entry Form:
The entry form can be found by either copying and pasting the following link or clicking on it. It will require authentication, username and password given below.
Username: deca09
Password: evo

You can either fill out the entry form before or after payment is done, best is after as then you will know the Description/netbank reference. If you made payment for more than one driver the entry form will need to be filled out for each one separately but keep the netbank reference the same. If there are any problems please let me know via pm.
please do not put the recipt number but the actual description.. eg "DECA ziad"