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Member Since 22 Feb 2009
Offline Last Active Oct 25 2023 09:48 PM

#232885 wiring up evo 3 features

Posted by mototo on 29 May 2011 - 08:42 PM

I'll try and help

3 things firstly the fan doesnt work no power to the motor

Did you use the power resistor from the climate control setup?

secondly i clock resets everytime i turn the ignition off so guessing i missed a wire

Yep. Either missed a wire or hooked up a wire wrong. Same idea behind a radio installation but you also have wires for the illumination. (dims when your headlights are turned on just like your clock). When i wired mine in, i tapped the power wires from the clock of the manual panel. The colors escape me at the moment as i deleted my diy climate control guide on evocoupe (smashed car, got pissed off.. :P)

thirdly is something i cant confirm and thats the problem i dont know if the aircon cuts in i cant find the wring under the bonnet for the compressor (engine has been converted a 4g63) if anyone can help me out with these problems that would be awesome hoping its only a couple wires.
the connection for the aircon compressor concerns me though i spent an hour today searching the engine bay for it and could only find one wire i thought was the oil pressure swith :( HELP ME

There is a green (or green yellow, again...cant remember)out of the climate control headunit that turns the compressor on and off based on your temp setting. This wire should be hooked up to your existing compressor trigger.

It's been awhile since i've hooked my system up (was done to a GLXi) but i'm assuming you spliced the climate control loom out of a dash loom equipped with it. Otherwise it will be a bigger headfark.

#211223 The Youtube thread

Posted by mototo on 09 September 2010 - 12:19 PM

Bit old..

some fancy marketing there though.

#191395 Climate control troubles

Posted by mototo on 22 March 2010 - 09:43 AM

yup, this servo is located on the bottom of the centre air box

so facing the centre air box from the driver's perspective, you have,
1. servo on the bottom for the air mix
2. servo on the driver's side for air vents

here's hoping your gsr had the JDM loom with all the plugs in place and not retro fitted. try swapping that servo with the air vent servo. these 2 are the same servo's

the 3rd servo is located at the blower. this one just allows recirculation or fresh air. therefore it only has off or on and is not suitable as a replacement or a test. you will find that the plugs have alot less wires for this servo anyways.

hope that helps. if you need pics to pinpoint them exactly i have a few when i retro fitted mine.

Alex, it "tries" to get ambient air. I know for a fact on mine if i had it on auto, and then turn off a/c, the blower speeds will increase to try to cool the air down. but it wont work as all its sucking in is already hot air. Again have not tested the system in winter tho.. but this entire summer, thats how it has been working for me if i had it on this arrangement.