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Member Since 22 Feb 2009
Offline Last Active Oct 25 2023 09:48 PM

In Topic: difference between evo 7 to 9s?

20 July 2012 - 05:53 AM

JDM 7 and 8 headlights are interchangeable across each other. The 8 mr and ADM 9 came with blackened headlights. Again, cheap mod. so do not use that as a guide. Mine was clear and now they are blackened. ADM 8 and ADM 9 headlights are interchangeable across each other. But to put JDM headlights on a ADM car you will need to modify the wiring. The plugs are different as the ADM's do not accomodate the HID ballasts since they never came with HID's. no panels need to be swapped for headlight change.

Taillights are the same across all CT9A. You also have the USDM taillights which some find more attractive.

there are probably a handful of 7 and 8 RS (or RS2) that are road registered. These are *somewhat* illegal. They are complianced as GSR's. No 9 RS as these are sold through TMR as race rally only. AFAIK you cannot import a JDM 9 as they were sold here not under SEVS (with the exception of personal imports of course. There is one CT9W or evo 9 wagon brought in as a personal import).
I suppose i will leave the other CT9A specs... since they were not sold here anyways. :P

p.s.: sorry, i should add, everything is interchangeable across the CT9A platform.
http://www.lancerreg...Guide v1_00.pdf
download this. Should be more than sufficient to learn about the differences

In Topic: difference between evo 7 to 9s?

19 July 2012 - 12:11 PM

5 speed on the 7 and ADM 8 vs the 6 speed on the JDM 8 GSR and ADM 9. (unless it has had a conversion... well then most of that car wont be stock anyways if it gets the 5 speed conversion)

Then you have the small difference in the ADM 8 and the JDM 8 GSR. ADM 8 did not have folding mirrors, rear wiper, lhs indicator stalk, 5 speed, no HID's, no ALS, different recaro's (less hugging) and a slightly detuned engine.

ADM 9's have mivec, RHS indicator stalk, no ALS, no rear wiper, but has the 6 speed and a aluminium roof. performance pack adds the vortex generators, bilsteins and BBS wheels

Then you also have the JDM 8MR with the metal bov, bit more power, alcantara interior, aluminium roof, bilsteins, *i think* vortex generator and optional BBS

there should be more but these are just the top of my head. 8 and 9 share the same bonnet therefore the 9 front bar bolts on without the bonnet looking out of place. 7's have a more squarish front end. My 8 gsr has a 9 front and rear bar. I think Chase's 7 GTA also had the same front and rear bars from memory.

In Topic: *Unquestionably NWS* Funny pics/vids/avartar thread 56K!! *NWS*

18 June 2012 - 01:38 PM

i see the evo iii bed you posted and raise you a evo x bed :P

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In Topic: eBay / Carsales / Tradingpost Car Sightings

28 May 2012 - 03:18 AM

I think it belongs to Roger Cordia



Holy crap he's still around!?!?!?..... :o

In Topic: CC/CT9A parts

07 April 2012 - 11:46 PM


some items sold. Pics added
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