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Member Since 25 Feb 2009
Offline Last Active Feb 10 2016 07:17 AM

In Topic: 1999 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VI $12,500. NSW

19 April 2013 - 09:25 AM

Tmak's were 2000 not 1999 so just an Evo 6 if so. Anyways that's still fricken cheap. What's wrong with it??

FYI My JDM TME is MY10/1999.

In Topic: [WA] EVO 3 _ Tour De Corse Replica SOLD

07 January 2013 - 10:10 AM

Don't be afraid to throw an offer out there, This boating weather has me itching......

LOL I hear you Ben ...... I just got back from 10 days on the boat at Rotto. Absolute bliss :thumbsup:

In Topic: WTB: Twin pot VR4 / Evo front brakes with performance rotors and pads.

18 December 2012 - 12:26 PM

For Sale thread here: http://www.4gtuner.c...fs-evo-3-items/
Pads are used with at least 5mm of meat left.

In Topic: WTB: Twin pot VR4 / Evo front brakes with performance rotors and pads.

18 December 2012 - 04:58 AM

I have some Endless front pads off my Evo 3 OEM callipers if you are interested?

In Topic: Speed differences on bigger wheels

17 December 2012 - 01:45 PM

Thank you from me as well.
I'm going from a 205 50 R16 to a 215 45 R17 so it looks like the car will perform better on a long track but a short track will need lower a profile tire to aid acceleration.