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Ive pulled them in and out of CC GSR, evo 5 and evo 8 - all pretty much same thing.
Never had one scrape on glass?! I dont believe one from the opposite side could be bolted in either
My advice, take the door trim off including the power window switch, carefully peel back all that weather proof plastic from the door (its just held on with black silicon).
Once its all off, reconnect just the power window switch so it can complete its circuit, put on your reds, and test the operation up and down and see where the issue is yourself
I would also take some photos for us on the forum, in a few different positions - all the way up, all the way down, mid way, and see if we pickup anything, or any support bolts for the motor/regulator missing etc.
Perhaps even a video of the whole door and the window operation would help.
Failing all of that, I would remove the lot and refit it.
Its been a few years on the GSR, but from memory I used to put the Window around half or 3/4 down first, so as to reveal the 2 phillips screws which keep the glass into the regulator. Then turn off the key. Remove those glass-retaining screws first, then the glass should slide up the channel and you should be able to angle the glass out of the door frame - have 2 people if not confident.
Once the glass is out, there should be something like 3 hex bolts/phillips, which hold the motor to the door frame, and either 2 or 3 holding in the regulator side.
There's also a harness plug which connects to the motor, though cant remember if its accessible before you unbolt the assembly or not.
Once its unbolted, you can basically fold the cabling so that you can maneuver the assembly out of the door shells bottom area.