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Member Since 16 Mar 2009
Offline Last Active Jun 24 2019 06:19 PM

#291110 FS: Every last bit of my Evo (providing it can be shipped!)

Posted by soldave on 26 December 2013 - 11:45 PM

When it will cost me around $200 to ship? I'll decline thanks, and possibly just throw or away.

#289087 FS: Every last bit of my Evo (providing it can be shipped!)

Posted by soldave on 19 November 2013 - 11:22 AM

Now that's a bizarre request!  I'll take it off the car when I part it out if you want it.  You can take it for the price of shipping plus a coffee at Starbucks or something ;)

#289082 FS: Every last bit of my Evo (providing it can be shipped!)

Posted by soldave on 19 November 2013 - 10:48 AM

Come on parts whores - still plenty more to go!
Too expensive for you?  Then make me an offer.  You may get abuse in return; you may get a good deal.  You just never know.

#288170 FS: Every last bit of my Evo (providing it can be shipped!)

Posted by soldave on 07 November 2013 - 07:34 AM

As people are finding out a little, what I said right at the outset about the first person getting money to me securing parts is holding true.  He who hesitates is lost!


Oh, and my Paypal is [email protected] (and I'm not a fan of fees ;) )

#276880 Evo III... let's go a little crazy!

Posted by soldave on 15 May 2013 - 12:51 PM

Not so much a big update as an observation. I found out the car doesn't like being driven through about 1km of 6-8" high water coming down the road like a river! I know, it's hardly a revelation, but was certainly an interesting experience. Driving home from work and the rain was torrential, even in a very wet rainy season we're in now. As I was driving up this hill though the water was just getting deeper and the car in front annoyingly was getting slower. Bizarre as everyone knows the best way to make it through standing water is to floor it and not go slower.

Then the wipers started to slow a little and the lights dim a tad and I thought... well, not good things. Managed to get off the road and into a parking area (pretty lucky there was an opening as my windshield was fogged up and the lights not too bright so it was an educated guess that I wasn't going to hit a 6" high kerb). Just as I parked up the battery light came on. Turned all electrics off apart from the engine and it recovered fine after a few seconds of idling so it must have just caused a short at the alternator or in the battery line running under the car.

Saw a Prius make it up the hill and thought, "Awww, hell no!". Got to the end of the taxi parking lot and damn near launched it out of there past the river and onto marginally drier land! Car was fine after that so just needs drying out a little I think. Don't want to do that again any time soon though.

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#269302 Evo III... let's go a little crazy!

Posted by soldave on 07 January 2013 - 09:08 AM

Right, but what I'm getting at us that he's not using E85,but had still managed to get a knock free powerful run by dropping timing and upping boost. Hopefully I might be able to do the same.

#268784 Evo III... let's go a little crazy!

Posted by soldave on 25 December 2012 - 04:15 PM

My Christmas present for the car was a set of new shoes, in the form of some TE37 rims and Star Spec rubber. Just waiting for the new original decals to come through and they'll be put on too.
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#264544 Evo III... let's go a little crazy!

Posted by soldave on 12 October 2012 - 01:10 AM

Thanks man. They are a fair bit lighter than the rims I've got so it is less rotational mass - kind of a performance upgrade ;)

Picked up the rims last night for a very good price. They need cleaning up but not too much curb rash on them. Gonna get them cleaned, any grazes smoothed out and then prepped for painting.
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This is the plan once they come back from the painters:
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Should look really good if they come out the way I'm hoping.

#247423 FS: FP Race exhaust manifold

Posted by soldave on 24 December 2011 - 04:39 AM

Got an exhaust manifold someone on here might be interested in. We have a Forced Performance Race manifold. It has performed excellently on my old setup and has no cracks or anything like that.

I would be looking for AUD$230 for this, which would include shipping from me in Japan to wherever you are. Hopefully it might make someone a nice little winter bargain :)

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#162061 Gearstick has too much front/back movement

Posted by soldave on 14 August 2009 - 01:07 AM

24594d x 2
24594b x 4
24594c x 1

they are the ones i replaced

24594d = mb367320
24594b = mb580253
24594c = mb307949