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Member Since 18 Mar 2009
Offline Last Active Jul 02 2011 07:08 AM

In Topic: siemens wiring diagrams

02 July 2011 - 01:09 AM

pmed cyborg to give you my email address as i not received it. (or cant remember the log in)

pmed sgtlover with email address for guide. what wiring do you want

cheers all

the ecu wiring for the proton gti and any other gti related diagrams u might have .. [email protected]

In Topic: siemens wiring diagrams

02 July 2011 - 12:21 AM

I have the manual about how to install it from evo coupe by exo x if u want it.. also could any of u send me that ecu diagram as well to [email protected].. Im doing the conversion to my 95 4g91 lancer but for some reason the wires for the fuel relay don't seem to match the gti mitsu ecu so any help u can offer i would be appreciated.

In Topic: Converting from 4g91 to 4g93p

13 February 2011 - 12:38 PM

What exactly do you want to do?

Well my auto transmission went bad so i decided to convert to manual one time. I just want to have may car to drive to and from work.

In Topic: 4g93 vs 4g63

12 January 2011 - 12:32 AM

I got offered a proton gti 4g93p full conversion, how does this match up with the rest?

In Topic: Evo 4 Rear Brake on CB 95 lancer

11 January 2011 - 12:20 PM

direct fit, defiantly not.

could you make it work easily, probably not.

First up the whole hub assembly will not bolt up, totally different setup so you would need to use the rotor and calliper on the stock hub.

but that wont work as the EVO is five stud (could get the rotor redrilled) and also has provision for an internal handbrake (drum brake) which can not be mounted to your stock hub. you might be able to find a rotor without the provision for an internal handbrake if you do some size comparisons using the DBA catalogue. you would probably need some custom "dog bones" (brackets) made up to have the callipers mount to the stock hub, paying attention to the offset for the rotor size.

because you wont be able to use the drum brake handbrake as per stock on the EVO, and the EVO calliper does not support hand brake actuation like stock you will need to convert your car to hydraulic handbrake, which is illegal on a road car.

Okay thanks for the info