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Member Since 22 Mar 2009
Offline Last Active Aug 30 2017 10:57 AM

tie rod ends

26 June 2017 - 08:43 PM

hi guys,


when the guys that have done the 5 studs upgrade, when you replaced the tie rod end did you just get another evo/gsr end or use a evo 4-6 tie rod end? 



Front wheel bearing

20 June 2017 - 08:02 PM

hey guys,


when you do you front bearings are you just swapping your bearings out or are you swapping out the whole hub assembly?


it seems my bearings are gone on both sides as I can move my wheel around a lot I don't think its normal..



Techsport brembo adaptor brackets suit gsr/evo

22 May 2017 - 12:10 AM

Hey guys,


Selling my adaptor brackets to fund the new setup.


These are techsport CNC machined brackets. cost me $600 new. look factory once on and painted black.


I will also send evo 5/6 hubs and if local you can have bear gsr/evo arm aswell



Looking for 450..


as I said im selling this to fund the new setup.


I will post the brackets and hubs.


brackets pictured. People know what arm and hubs look like.


evo 5/6 backing plate is not included.


EDIT** These have been installed onto the arms, But HAVEN'T be used..

evo 5/9 rear brake setup on vr4 rear

15 May 2017 - 12:26 PM

hi guys


I did a quick search and read, but I didn't get any answers out of that,


Front doesn't apply to me. only need to worry about the rear


Has anyone successfully done(or know of) a brake conversion on the rear of the vr4? How did people over come the 5 stud conversion? I have a few options, track down 5 stud hubs but wouldn't know where to start with that, redrill to 5 stud and weld old holes, or us a spacer/adaptor.


Honestly not after do this or do that. Im going for the brembo look and internal handbrake setup etc



Hope someone can help me somehow


