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Member Since 16 Apr 2009
Offline Last Active Feb 13 2010 10:01 AM

In Topic: GSRSOL

23 July 2009 - 06:33 AM

Where to next guys?

A) Shut up and enjoy it for a little while
B) Upgrade intake and exhaust mani (Hyperflow or NZ Performance intake, stainless steel tuned length ex mani)
C) NOS (50 shot - to spool the turbo faster)
D) E85 tune and more boost (25-27 psi)
E) Quit fucking around and build a forged short motor

A) :w00t::thumbsdown:
B) bang for buck on a stock bottom end it's not worth it at this stage:thumbsdown:
C) HELL YEAH:thumbsup:
D) Wait for "E" then yes(when you can get it at the pump then it's a viable option)
E) Why even ask:thumbsup: you should have started the build by now:rolleyes:

In Topic: GSRSOL

18 July 2009 - 07:48 AM

Updated engine bay pix
That didn't work right:o

In Topic: GSRSOL

17 July 2009 - 10:55 AM

Hey Dan,
I just emailed you pix of the inside of the catch can and airbox filter

Cheers Darren

In Topic: GSRSOL

13 May 2009 - 04:03 AM

Thats looks awesome Dan!!!!

Just one thing to note, not sure if you are aware, but the Greddy Type R valve, has an o-ring that seals the base of the valve. Its quite common for these to come out. It appears you are plumbing it back into the intake. I'd either run some mesh, or something in the pipe to prevent it from being sucked in, or remove the o-ring all together.

Thanks for the tip
I removed the o-ring and valve face has a perfect seal against the housing so all is good!
