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Member Since 25 Apr 2009
Offline Last Active Apr 10 2010 02:19 PM

WTB!!!!ce9a body partsWTB !!!!!

13 January 2010 - 04:33 AM

i am looking for e2 or 3 body parts i need a new front bumper and side skirts for e 3. i live in canada so any help would be great thanks guys

CE9A evo II upgrades, your thoughts?????????????

04 January 2010 - 05:20 AM

hey guys been a while since i cam on here. just looking for some advice and thoughts on certian upgrades. first off i am wondering if any one here has used the haltech platinum in there evo. looking to getting that for the stand alone or maybe the power fc( as dated as it is)
as well. i know that alot of people put the big 16g on the cars but has any one put a gt30r or possible a gt35r on the car, i have had a hell of a time finding any older evos with these upgrades. i know in doing the gt upgrade over the 16g or even 20g i would need a new manifold and v band outlet pipe as well as the wastegate fitting. do i need to change the injectors if i want to run 15psi and looking to get 300 AWHP. NO one in canada knows shit about the earle1-3. thanks for the info guys any ideas or opinions will help

Canadian evo's!!!!

10 October 2009 - 01:29 AM

hey guys i figure since there are starting to be more and more of us here. we could collectively share our info on available parts or common parts here in usdm and any ideas that help out here cause some times spending and arm and leg for some stuff just cant work unless you have too. so any one who is down just post on this thread or some thing or other

front and rear bumpers evo and lancer/mirage sedan???

07 August 2009 - 01:57 AM

hey guys due to the lack of evo support in canada or general knowledge of the mitsu dealers on the mirage cars, i am wondering if the Lancer/Mirage rear bumpers is the Exact same as the evo1-2 minus the rear aprons on the E3.thanks

Exhaust part #'s plz

11 July 2009 - 12:08 AM

hey i am currently looking for the apexi N1 catback muffler part number and have been unable to find it on this site or the internet anywhere. does any one have it or any other catback part numbers? blitz nur maybe or fujitsubo or rs-r. any help would be great. making a custom exhaust would be just 900 to make it with out the cost of the muffler where as i can get the catback for 500 or under from a friend.