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Member Since 05 Nov 2005
Offline Last Active Jul 31 2024 04:01 AM

In Topic: SOLD: 1991 VR4 Aus spec

25 February 2010 - 12:32 AM


Price drop to $4000

In Topic: Faildatalogs are fail

31 January 2010 - 01:45 PM

twdorris - Interesting. I've not really looked at ECMLink but it from what I'm reading its been quite well thought out. Is ECMLink based off the factory ECU binaries or is it a rewrite?

From my experience with eliminating PK on a VR4 - changing the cutoff by TPS would be just as good (and for the reasons you mention perhaps better) as load. So probably not worthwhile.

The OP (Entaran) mentioned CELs - are these coming out because of ECMLink is throwing them on knock or are they real? And is there some function in ECMLink to retrieve the values - and perhaps address another underlying problem?


In Topic: Faildatalogs are fail

31 January 2010 - 11:48 AM

Also can someone tell me if my O2 sensor is dying or if that's normal?

O2 sensor is working correctly - its bouncing around in closed loop and ~0.84-0.90 during closed/WOT. It will do the 0.02 thing on coast.

Looks like a little timing needs to come off b/w 3.5k and 4k and also some at 6k but I can't tell you at what load because I'm only seeing the .csv results...

The rest of the problem is pretty much classic phantom knock. If you are driving an ASpec I have a patch for it which disables knock detection under a certain amount of load.

(Load ~ units of O2 per cylinder per revolution)

In Topic: SOLD: 1991 VR4 Aus spec

31 January 2010 - 08:03 AM

Thanks for the interest.
Chooka: Here is a pic of the driver side sticker. (Entran: I'm guessing because its Aus delivered the text is in english?)

I'm also be including my entire library of ECU research including a bunch of VR4 bins.

In Topic: SOLD: 1991 VR4 Aus spec

28 January 2010 - 06:01 AM

Pictures now up