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Member Since 30 Apr 2009
Offline Last Active Jun 01 2010 05:14 AM

Need inputs: Conn rod bearing sizing

07 January 2010 - 12:12 PM

Hi guys,

I am new to this conn rod bearing sizing.
I was browsing through the MMC ASA trying to look for a replacement conn rod bearing when I came across this STD1, STD2, STD3 bearing sizes (with color coding, Black, Purple, and Green, respectively).:unsure::unsure:
MMC ASA even shows another one with only STD with out the no.

Is this the same with the piston ring sizing? Oversize +0.25, etc?

I'm confused

Which one should I take?
The engine is a 4G63 DOHC Non-turbo 6-bolt :unsure::unsure:

Thanks a lot!

Happy new year! and More HP to all:)

Newbie from the Philippines!!!

30 April 2009 - 10:39 PM

Hi guys.
Nice site you got here!!!

I'm from the Philippines.
I own a local (PHDM) Mitsubishi Galant GTi (1991).
Mine has a stock 4G63 DOHC N/A Engine.

Hopefully, I'll be able to get a 4G63T someday....