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Member Since 05 May 2009
Offline Last Active Private

Vacuum and spark plug leads diagram

01 June 2011 - 11:52 PM

Hey guys,

I'm after a couple of diagrams. 1 x for spark plug leads for a aus spec 1992 vr4 (Double checking), and 1 x Vacuum lines diagram for a aus spec 1992 model vr4.


Newcastle Guys ( help needed borrow some parts to fault find )

10 May 2011 - 02:12 AM

Hi Guys,

I'm wondering if any newcastle guys can help me out with some parts for a VR4. Only interested in borrowing at the moment to try and work out where to start with this fault.

I'm after a ecu for a vr4 motor, vr4 coil pack and a standard intake fuel pump at the moment lol

If anyone is a wiz on the aus spec vr4's and would be interested in having a look into my fault let us know as i can fix you up with some cash.


leaking spoiler

16 November 2010 - 01:28 AM

Hey Guys,

Lately here in newcastle its been raining everyday and i noticed the bolts that hold my evo 6 wing on are leaking. So before i pull it off are there some rubber washers i can buy to seal it up and make it water proof again when i bolt it back on ???



05 August 2010 - 11:40 PM

Hey guys,

i'm after a alternator. Which year and model cars can i get a alternator to fit onto my vr4 ?? As i need to get one TODAY in newcastle.


front engine mount

01 August 2010 - 11:13 PM

hey guys,

Can some please post up a picture of the Front engine mount. As i purchased one on the weekend and it doesn't seem to be right. Its Labeled correctly but it's totally different shape.
