Hi guys,
It's been ages since I was here.... Thought I would drop back and say Hi.... I'm also considering getting back into a GSR or EVO - Wish I still had the GSR sometimes lol
Anyway, Not much been happening in my world, got married in May last year, then sold the GSR the week after, then bought myself a new car - a Mercedes Benz E320 Avantgarde.
Its been really good to me, and love driving it... Though still want something turbo
Anyway, the Benz is pretty much stock still, just got myself a set of genuine Altstadt 18x8 and 18x10 3 piece wheels for it. I've painted the centre's for now, but will be colour coding them properly or painting them bright silver shortly.
Looking to buy a set of coilovers for it to get it low...
Just keeping it a nice VIP cruiser really, low and nice.
The E320 runs a 3.2L straight 6 with variable valve timing etc, running 165kw. It actually goes pretty quick for an old man car lol
Anyway, here are some pics...
This is how I want it sitting.....
Cheers guys..
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Member Since 14 May 2009Offline Last Active Mar 12 2012 11:40 PM