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Member Since 19 May 2009
Offline Last Active Oct 17 2020 12:44 AM

White smoke

27 March 2014 - 03:19 AM

Hi all,


Purchase a stock 95 lancer gsr a few weeks ago when to fill it up with bp98

and heard it pinging from 4k upwards well it hasn’t been driven for almost 2 years (previous owner past away)

assuming it was bad/old fuel,So got some octane booster and the pinging wasn’t as bad now.

I also realise white smoke comes out when I’m boosting manly on gear change 2nd to 3rd.

So today I took off most of the cooler piping to see if there was any oil and found a little amount of oil in the cooler piping.

What you guys think blow turbo? ideas?











