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Member Since 21 May 2009
Offline Last Active Nov 22 2016 09:25 AM


09 November 2010 - 02:30 AM


Queens Birthday Cruise Mondy the 14th of June

10 June 2010 - 03:14 AM


........ from gsr-evo club


01 June 2010 - 12:26 AM

I have been meaning to do a build thread since i got the car (year and a bit ago) I ended up opting for this car as i already had an evo [race rally reg only] and wanted another but couldnt fit the dog in the back so thus the rvr comprimise.

.....So I bought the car ('97 RVR HSG Manual) in stock form [47,000kms on the clock], from Motorman Imports in qld. Got it over to SA, and I had a few wear and tear items attended too. Changed all the drive line oils,b fluid, coolant etc, installed a stereo (Jaycarhead unit, front and rear splits and sub etc), mounted a laptop on the dash (small asus) and an inverter behind the dash for the laptop and then bought a cable and evo scan.

Installed a 3' exhaust from the turbo back {Split front pipe}. I had a knock in the front suspension, so ended up putting kyb struts all round and resetting the spings (not by much) and a set of cusco front and rear strut braces [couldn't believe the difference this made to handling characteristics]. Then installed a walbro fuel pump and added more boost [18psi] and went to the dyno- just under 170 kw......Love these cars for how practical they are, and how fun they are. I've had 4 different set of wheels on the car and machined front discs twice with new pads once but now they are very close to undersize and are shuddering again after a run in the hills, so will be replacing them soon

Mods to come: Braded brake lines, Move sub from rear into side 'compartment', front camber kit, paint rear bar (currently has nimbus bar fitted due to some rear ending me ages ago) and DRIVE IT!

-More pics will be up on the weekend

thanks for reading


31 May 2010 - 04:41 AM

:fuuuuu:Mine has just f'd up 97 hsg.......got quoted $380 ex melbourne.....Are they the same part as any other car? Has anyone else had a problem one? cheers

Evo scan layouts

19 May 2010 - 02:55 AM

Hello out there, just wondering if anyone has made any custom layouts for the rvr on evoscan for boost etc??? If so please post them up, and also what parametres are needed for most of RVR hsg sensors....also i take it we cant get speedo output on the screen? what can and cant we have..... cheers in advance:huh: